Glidepathing into Your Financial Future with Peace of Mind

Transition planning for private clients.

As a Certified Financial Planner®, Anne Hagan possesses over twenty-seven years of experience assisting individuals and businesses in assessing and managing their financial goals. She is committed to fostering lasting relationships as clients progress through life's milestones. Utilizing an extensive network of retirement planning, tax planning, and end-of-life planning resources, she provides transition support to help clients navigate various life events.

Glidepathing™ - A Proprietary Approach to Getting Your Financial House in Order

An interactive talk overviewing the most important financial tasks and obstacles your family may face. Learn how to begin a potentially game-changing dialogue with the people in your life that matter most. Will deepen your understanding of reaching milestones that are important to you and your family.

Be Ready - Have a "Go Bag" for your family

Learn how to plan ahead for some of the most important obstacles your family may face. Having a game plan ahead of a crisis can significantly impact the outcome. The process of beginning a meaningful dialogue and establishing your communication preferences has many worthwhile consequences.

What If ? Considering the Long View

Learn how to develop transparency with your financial goals and outcomes. A proprietary approach to understanding the implications and opportunities for longevity in your family.