April O'Leary

Owner, O'Leary Publishing

Book Publisher, Author, Speaker

Always Remember Your Voice, Your Experience and Your Story Matters.

Since 2012, April has been a speaker, beginning with the launch of her first book, "Ride the Wave: Journey to Peaceful Living." In 2018, she founded O'Leary Publishing and has since published over 40 titles. April has spoken at conferences, hosted workshops, and sat on professional panels to share the power of writing your story along with other popular topics (see below).

April's talks can be customized in length and focus based on the interests of the group. Her conversational and humorous style aims to entertain, educate, and inspire a professional or faith-based audience. Q&A opportunities are also available. To discuss your group's needs, please book a time using the button below. You can also download her One Sheet to share with your organization.

April O'Leary is the owner O'Leary Publishing, a Naples-based book publishing company. Her expertise in personal branding frequently helps her authors achieve #1 New Release status based on strategic marketing, creating a cohesive brand presence through custom websites and branded social media accounts, and hosting book launch parties and zoom events. Her team's specialty is taking an aspiring author from idea to published book in less than 12 months.

April is the creator of the annual Booked Naples speaker event where her authors take the stage and share their inspiring stories with the local community. She also hosts the I'm Booked Podcast, featuring episodes with authors and publishing industry professionals, available on all podcast platforms. A member of both the Florida Authors and Publishers Association and the Independent Book Publishers Association, April continuously learns from industry leaders.

She is whole-heartedly convinced that writing a book is the best way to build your brand and leave a legacy. She believes that the challenges you have faced are meant to help others. If you have the courage to share them, they can open new doors for you personally and professionally. O'Leary Publishing publishes non-fiction books in the self-help, memoir, spirituality and business categories.

The Publishing Industry Today

Where do I send my manuscript? Do I need a literary agent? I'm not a well-known person, who would care about my story? How do I sit back and collect royalty checks in the mail?

Except for the last question, the rest are answerable. In this presentation, April O'Leary will go through the basics of book publishing today from traditional publishers to independent publishers to self-publishing.

She'll share the various paths to becoming an author with examples of what qualifies you for each of those paths.

You'll come away with a business understanding of the industry as a whole and your opportunities to 'get published' as an author.

Who Me, An Author?!

Your life has been anything but ordinary. You see your friends and colleagues publish books and wonder how they did it. You aspire to leave behind a meaningful legacy for your family.

These are just some of the reasons why people choose to publish books. However, the most significant question often remains: how do you do it? Indeed, it requires courage and confidence to pen down your story (which you possess), but don't let technical queries hinder you from checking off an item on your bucket list that could not only change your life but also touch the lives of many eager to hear your story.

During this presentation, April O'Leary will inspire you not only to gather the courage to start writing but also share practical insights into what it takes to become an author.

It's Time to Craft Your Legacy

Writing a book can seem like a task that is only suited for the rich and famous, or those with millions of TikTok fans or Instagram followers. This is simply not true.

With examples of real authors published by O'Leary Publishing, April will showcase stories of those who have written the stories of their life experiences that will live on for generations to come.

She will talk about the power of looking long term to accomplish bucket list goals like leaving your story for your family, landing that perfect job, or establishing yourself as an expert in your industry.

She'll also touch on the simple steps to getting started as an independent author and what it takes to craft your memoir. There is no time like the present to tell your stories from the past!

April O'Leary's Books


If you've ever thought, I should write a book, you're in the right place! The Influencer's Path to Successful Publishing demystifies the entire book publishing process, for writers and non-writers.

When you follow six simple steps and choose from four popular publishing options you can have a book in your hands (and on Amazon) in as little as 90 days. Yes, you can be an author too!


Join this courageous butterfly and her friend, the old cocoon, as she navigates the pain of change and the fear of separation from her past.

Watch as she learns the powerful lesson that true transformation happens from the inside out. This timeless story will leave you inspired to fly confidently into your future.

The Old Cocoon is the perfect story for anyone going through life transitions: the loss of a loved one, recovery from addiction, moving away, changing careers, empty-nesters, going to college, coming out, and healing from heartbreak.


Normally happy and carefree, by age 29, April found that she was drowning in consistent anger and frustration which was causing conflict all around her. Her continued failure to manage and control the outside world left her exhausted and depressed. She was finally able to break this vicious cycle and is now sharing her simple journey to peace with you.

Ride the Wave will take you on a journey to create more harmony and happiness in your relationships, enjoy life more by releasing anger, resentment and frustration, identify your ‘trigger moments’ and transform them into peace and be the calm and collected woman you have always wanted to be! It's time to slow down and transform your world from the inside out!