Thomas Hudson, M.D.

Diagnostic Radiologist and Author


Feeling uncertain about your mammogram, thermogram, or other diagnostic test results?

Navigating the intricacies of diagnostic imaging can be challenging, but you don't have to do it alone. Dr. Hudson is here to provide expert insights and shed light on the complexities.

Leveraging decades of diagnostic radiology expertise and a holistic healthcare philosophy, Dr. Hudson will provide a comprehensive review of your test results and empathetic guidance through the complexities of the medical system.

Whether you or a loved one need clarification on specific medical imaging, a second opinion, or a deeper understanding of a diagnosis – you’re in the right place. Let’s ensure you have the clarity and confidence to make informed decisions about your health.

Dr. Thomas Hudson is trained in radiology, has decades of experience in diagnostic imaging, and is one of the only M.D.s in the country to interpret both mammograms and thermograms.

With his distinctive expertise and no ties to a specific medical group, Dr. Hudson provides entirely unbiased, transparent, and compassionate insights into your diagnosis. Dr. Hudson is a military veteran, renowned author, board-certified radiologist and proud dad of four.

His journey began in traditional medicine but expanded to include mind-body practices after he and his wife assisted a friend through cancer. Though skeptical at first, he embraced these practices after attending training, later becoming a faculty member at the Center for Mind-Body Medicine.

This unique blend of traditional and mind-body training is why Dr. Hudson sees health and healing as an intricate blend of mind, body, and spirit. He believes in interacting with you as a whole person, recognizing that medical conditions are often complex, multi-dimensional challenges.

Dr. Hudson's extensive experience in diagnostic imaging, including but not limited to breast cancer, coupled with his mind-body approach, equips him to offer guidance that transcends mere symptoms.

What truly motivates him is the transformation he witnesses in the individuals he works with. His clients often experience a newfound sense of clarity, empowerment, and peace, linked to a deeper spiritual connection.

Navigating the medical world can be a complex maze, but he is committed to guiding people through it with understanding, empathy, and genuine human connection.

Controversies in Breast Health

Few subjects in medicine are as controversial as breast health. What is your risk of getting breast cancer? What’s the role of diet? Can breast cancer be prevented? How often should you have a screening mammogram? What about dense breast tissue? Are thermograms helpful? Do mammograms cause cancer? 

Dr. Hudson’s extensive experience in conventional breast cancer screening and diagnosis allows him to unpack the controversies and help cut through all the conflicting data. His holistic point of view, in addition to his conventional training, allows him to cover a broad range of topics relating to breast health, geared to almost any audience.

The Role of Lifestyle in Breast Cancer Prevention

The American Cancer Society has stated that the best approach to breast cancer is to prevent getting it in the first place. There is a surprising amount of data and scientific information to show that prevention is possible. And much of what women can do for prevention has to do with lifestyle.

In this presentation, Dr. Hudson examines not only the role of diet, exercise, and environmental factors in breast cancer, but also the role of stress, and mental and emotional factors. There is much a woman can do to decrease her breast cancer risk. And it isn’t complicated. anyone can do them. This is good news for women interested in decreasing their risk of this feared disease.

Life After Breast Cancer: A Mind-Body-Spirit Perspective

Because breast cancer has such a high survival rate, there are literally millions of “survivors.” But life after diagnosis should be about so much more than surviving. In this presentation, Dr. Hudson reviews all the data on how a holistic lifestyle can both increase survival and reduce recurrence rates. In addition, he addresses the seldom-talked-about mental, emotional, and spiritual factors that someone living with a cancer diagnosis must deal with.

Dr. Thomas Hudson's Books

Something Deeper: 31 Spiritual Poems to Help You Navigate Life

Tom Hudson’s Something Deeper is a deeper exploration of the interconnectedness of all things, presenting a compelling argument for the integration of spirituality into our everyday existence. With wisdom and eloquence, Hudson guides readers on a transformative journey, teaching them how to tap into the incredible value and meaning that can be found in even the most mundane moments. This book is not just a thought-provoking read; it's a life-affirming guide for anyone looking to live a more fulfilled and connected life.

David Perlmutter, M.D.

#1 New York Times Bestselling author of Grain Brain

Journey to Hope

Packed with empowering breakthrough information, Journey to Hope will change the way you think, not only about breast cancer—but about life. Written from a mind-body-spirit perspective, Journey to Hope will show in simple steps how to maintain, or regain your health. What you eat, how you feel, and even how you think affects your health more than you might expect. Dr. Hudson, an expert in the field of breast imaging, explains what every woman needs to know in a warm, conversational style—a rare find in a medical book.

You’ll gain inside understanding about breast cancer risk, mammography, thermography, and prevention, as well as a deeper understanding of how meditation, imagery, and positive emotions enhance your health. Journey to Hope is a book about health, wellness—and life. It is empowering, and deeply moving. It will change the way you think. And that changes everything.