Tracey L. Pirozzi

Owner, Pirozzi Organization Development Solutions

Speaker, Leadership Coach, Effective Communication and Productivity Team Builder, Soft Skills Trainer

Making Your Dream Team a Reality Using the Power of Effective Communication and Collaboration

Throughout her 30+ years in Human Resources, Tracey Pirozzi focused on helping individuals excel in their roles and fostering collaborative relationships. In her career, she navigated countless interactions among managers, direct reports, coworkers, and external parties like vendors or clients. Through conducting investigations, developing performance plans, and engaging in discussions with employees and managers, Tracey observed that many conflicts, misunderstandings, and performance issues stemmed from miscommunication.

Tracey, committed to enhancing individual potential, founded her own business to educate clients on clear and concise communication. She understands that effective communication and strong collaboration skills are essential for the success of both individuals and teams.

Known as an accomplished, passionate, and engaging speaker, trainer, and leadership development coach with over three decades of Human Resources expertise, Tracey L. Pirozzi is the Founder of Pirozzi Organization Development Solutions. Before throwing candy from the stage to responsive audience members, Tracey designed and facilitated interactive HR training sessions for corporations throughout metro New York City, New England, and the mid-Atlantic states.

Since then, she has been repeatedly booked to deliver employee collaboration and engagement guidance to leaders, helping them retain and attract top talent. This learning journey empowers leaders to communicate more effectively, understand and appreciate their own and others’ work preferences, and foster a culture of collaborative productivity, resulting in happy, motivated, and engaged employees. Attendees have used their newly acquired skills to become more productive and collaborative within their organizations, finding more time for critical tasks. Additionally, her employee soft skills training sessions have earned her certificates of appreciation from leaders and employees alike. Tracey works with clients throughout the United States and Canada.

Flare-ups to Fellowship: Turn Your Team’s Frustrations into Collaboration

Most people believe their communication style is effective and the only way to communicate. This misconception can lead to frustration on both sides of a discussion, resulting in poor relationships, non-existent collaboration, and ineffective team productivity. Active listening is just as important as what you say and how you say it. By emphasizing listening to understand rather than listening to respond, you build trust and transparency, leading to positive relationships.

During this high-impact, interactive presentation, attendees will learn active listening tips to ensure they give others the attention they deserve. They will practice these skills for immediate retention and sustainability. Additionally, they will enhance their ability to foster an environment of trust and transparency and feel comfortable soliciting and giving feedback.

Turn Frazzled Groups Into Functional Teams

Sometimes companies struggle to make their teams as effective and productive as possible, settling for mediocre results. This leads to a lack of employee engagement and motivation, as well as retention issues, all of which significantly impact the company’s bottom line. Teams that work well together are more productive, engaged, and happier. When employees understand their own work preferences and are mindful of others’ preferences, teams meld into a performance-driven, collaborative unit.

Attendees of this high-impact, interactive presentation will gain a better understanding of their own work preferences, appreciate others’ work preferences to build collaborative relationships, and leverage preference diversity to improve team performance.

Steer Your Ship: Navigate Your Career Growth with Self-Accountability

It is easy to blame others, make excuses, or hope a problem will resolve itself when things do not go as planned. While this course of action may provide comfort, it can lead to discord, lack of trust, and poor customer service. Everyone has the ability to make impactful choices when facing challenges and the potential undesirable results of their actions. Once accountability is embraced, you can find solutions and follow through on your commitments.

During this presentation, participants will view accountability as a journey toward self-improvement, become more reliable and trustworthy, demonstrate the ownership necessary to achieve desired outcomes, and learn critical questions to ask themselves to ensure successful accountability.